
About Jessie Merriam

Practicing and teaching printmaking in Minneapolis, MN. Jessie teaches woodblock printmaking to anyone who has a couple extra hours, including the great students at the Women’s Woodshop in south Minneapolis. She also spends Tuesdays at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts as the letterpress studio monitor, helping adults print and keeping the presses oiled, and getting inspired by the other studio monitors and artists there. After seven years working in restaurants and on a farm in Athens, GA, and four winters conducting wild harvest surveys in rural Alaska, Jessie is still interested in food and art sharing practices and how people and their communities can find joy and resilience in creative expression. She loves cooking and printmaking because they rely on tradition, layered steps, messy improvisation, and result in surprises that can liberate you from the fear of failure.

Contact: jessiemerriam@gmail.com. Instagram: @wheelbugs